Learn how to help guests find your property by adding directions in your Guest Engagement Concierge.
About the Directions page
When you activate directions, guests can access a Directions page in your Guest Engagement concierge that shows:
Your property's location on Google Maps
Step-by-step directions from nearby landmarks
Transport options and parking details
Add directions from various locations such as:
From the airport
From the main railway station
From the bus terminal
From major highways
Walking directions from public transport
From popular landmarks
From the city centre
Parking information and access
Add directions
To add directions to your Concierge:
Go to Guest Engagement > Upsell > Directions and select the language you want to add the directions in.
Click the Add button.
Enter a title for your directions (for example, "From Central Station" or "From Airport Terminal 1").
Select an icon to represent your directions (for example, select the train icon for railway station directions).
Add your instruction text using the formatting tools provided.
Click Save.
Once you have added all your directions, turn the "Active" toggle on to set them live on your Concierge page.
Manage your directions
Click and drag a direction to change its position in the list.
Click Delete to remove a direction.
Click Edit to update the title, text, or icon.
💡 Notes:
Add directions for each language you have activated in Guest Engagement.
Unlike offers which sync across all languages in Guest Engagement, directions must be added individually for each language.
Tips for writing directions
Include clear step-by-step instructions for different transport options.
Add specific landmarks or reference points to help guide guests.
Mention if you offer airport transfers or transport services.
Include approximate travel times and costs for different transport options.
Add any specific instructions for finding your property entrance or reception.