About the Directions page
When you activate directions, guests can access a Directions page in your digital concierge that shows:
Your property's location on Google Maps
Step-by-step directions from nearby landmarks
Transport options and parking details
Set up directions for your concierge
To add directions to your Guest Engagement concierge page:
Go to Guest Engagement > Upsell > Directions.
Toggle the switch to enable the Location page.
Click Add new to create directions in your active language.
Enter a title (for example, "From the airport").
Select an icon that matches your directions.
Add your instructions using the formatting tools available.
Click Save changes.
Suggested directions to include
Driving directions
Include details about:
Main routes to your property
Parking options and costs
Parking space booking requirements
Alternative parking locations if no on-site parking
Public transport
Add information about:
Nearest stations or stops
Transport services available
Links to local transport websites for journey planning
Taxi services
Provide details on:
Estimated fares to common destinations
Recommended taxi companies
Booking information
💡 Remember to add directions in all languages you have activated in your settings.
To preview your directions, go to Guest Engagement > Concierge > Open directory.