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Set up and manage availability
Set up and manage availability
Updated over a week ago

Linked and independent availability

Click below to watch a video on linked and independent availability.

A room rate's availability can be linked to the room type or managed independently.

When room rates are linked to the room type, the total availability for the room type is shared by all linked room rates. If a booking is made for one room rate, the total availability for all linked room rates is reduced.

Alternatively, room rate availability can be managed independently of the room type. Changes to the availability of this room rate do not have any effect on the room type's availability.

In this example, the room rates Room Only and Room & Breakfastare linked to the Single Room (room type). The availability for the Tour Package is independently managed.

Note : If you multi-map two channel manager room rates (with linked availability) to the same room rate on the connected booking channel, they will still share the total availability from their room type.

In the inventory grid, you can manage availability on a day-by-day basis per room type.

Update room type availability

To update the availability of a Room Type for one or more dates:

  1. Click INVENTORY to view the inventory grid

  2. Select the date you want to display from the date picker

  3. Click a cell to edit availability for its date/room type (you can update multiple dates using bulk update and copy tool).

  4. Click Save in the upper right of the screen

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The updated availability will be sent to your connected booking channels.

Set up independent or linked availability for a room rate

To configure independent or linked availability management for a room rate:

  1. Click ROOMS & RATES

  2. Click the ROOM TYPES tab

  3. Click on the name of the room rate you want to configure

  4. Select CONFIGURE from the drop-down list

  5. Select the Availability

    • Managed Independently: be sure to manage availability carefully to avoid unintentional overbooking. Independent room rate availability does not affect the availability of any other room rate or room type, or

    • Linked to Room Type: availability for this room rate will now be managed at the room type and share the total availability with any other linked room rates.

  6. Click Save

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