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Updated over a week ago

Create extra sale items

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do my extra sale items appear after I create them in the front desk?

  • Extra sale items are only available to reservations made on your direct booking engine. You can also manually add them if a guest purchases an item during their stay.

  • You'll need to create these items in your Online Travel Agents (OTAs) if you want them available on those channels.

I forgot to create an extra sale item. Can I add one at the last minute?
You can add an undefined extra to a reservation and set its cost for the product or service a guest wants to purchase.

Can I change the price of an extra?
You can edit the price of your extras at any time. The updated price will be applied to new reservations while existing ones retain the previous price. You can update those by removing and re-adding the extra.

Create promotion codes

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a limit to the number of promotion codes I can create?
No, there's not limit.

Can I add any restrictions such as a 'minimum stay' to a promotion?
You can create a promotion with restrictions by linking it to a rate plan with those restrictions applied.

How do I advertise a promotion to past and potential guests?
You can inform your previous guests of any promotions by sending out a newsletter or post-departure email. You can also create a page on your website or place an ad in a local paper. Another simple way to advertise is by posting on social media.

Create package rates

Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of package rates can I create?
You can vary your pricing, release periods, minimum stays, or included extras to create any combination of packages. Get creative and create packages for festivals, public holidays, or events.

How do I sell my package rate on my OTAs/channels?
You'll need to create the rate plan in each OTA/channel's extranet as well as in Little Hotelier. Check the channel's available features and settings to create packages that can be mapped to Little Hotelier.

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