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Map to Airbnb: media
Updated over a week ago

💡 Important to know:

  • This article focuses on specific settings that need to be configured when mapping to Airbnb. For general mapping instructions, see Map to Airbnb: room rates.

  • When mapping to Airbnb, your channel rate configuration’s Listing media will contain images that exist on Airbnb (these images will have an External label). You can also assign images that you have uploaded in Property settings > Media.

  • If you have further questions regarding Airbnb, please contact their support team.

Media: sources

The Media section features images that originate from two different sources depending on the Airbnb mapping type:

  • If you are creating a new listing — the images shown would have been uploaded to our platform in Property settings > Media.

  • If you are mapping an existing listing — images that exist in your Airbnb extranet will appear with an ‘External’ label. You can add or edit the image description, and if needed you can delete the image.
    To assign additional images to your listing from Property settings > Media, click Assign from Media library.

⚠️ Deleting an External image will permanently delete the image from the Airbnb extranet. Once the image is deleted, the image cannot be restored.

Media: images

When mapping your listing to Airbnb, you must assign your listing at least one image, and you can assign a maximum of 99 images. We recommend to have:

  • at least three images for Room media, including at least one of the bathroom;

  • 7–15 images for Property media.

💡 Images are shown on Airbnb in order: while mapping, organise your images by clicking and dragging them into your desired order.

Media: listing rejections

If Airbnb rejects your listing due to its media, it may be because:

  • fewer than seven images have been selected;

  • one or more images are under 800 x 500 pixels.

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