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Booking Engine - Integrate the booking engine with Google Adwords
Booking Engine - Integrate the booking engine with Google Adwords
Updated over a week ago

Google AdWords allows you to quickly and simply create and run ads for your hotel. You can run your ads on Google and their vast advertising network. To get started visit

The booking engine supports tracking of Google Adwords conversion rates from pay-per-click (PPC) keyword campaigns.

To create a Google Adwords Conversion ID you must first have a Google Adwords account. To sign up, visit Google Adwords here.

To add Google Adwords to the booking engine:

  1. Click the Setup tab

  2. Select the Integrations tile

  3. From the Tracking tab, click Enable for Google Adwords

  4. Enter your Conversion ID and Conversion Label

  5. Click Save. You can click Back to go to the Tracking tab or click Disable to remove the integration

Your Google Adwords account is now integrated to the booking engine for you to track the efficiency your campaigns and help make you better decisions.

User-added image

Additional Google Adwords links

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