Setting up and managing your pre, during, and post-stay messages.
11 articles
Segmentation settings for scheduled messagesLearn how to send scheduled messages to specific guest segments.
Improve your Guest Engagement email performanceHow to optimise your Guest Engagement emails to achieve better open rates and engagement from your guests.
Test your scheduled messagesHow to test your scheduled messages before sending them to guests.
Customise your scheduled messagesHow to customise scheduled messages — including the format and how to use guest reservation data.
Set up scheduled messagesThis article covers which scheduled messages you can send to your guests, and how to set them up.
Reservation update messagesHow to set up a scheduled message to be sent when a reservation is modified.
Sending rules for scheduled messagesSet up sending rules for scheduled messages to determine when your scheduled messages will be sent, and to which guests.
Global exclusionsControl who receives your Guest Engagement emails by blocking specific addresses and domains.
Use announcement messagesLearn how to use announcement messages to communicate important information to your guests.
Send an announcement to guestsSend a one-time message to selected guests in Guest Engagement.
Set up and send SMS (text messages)Follow these instructions to get everything up and running and start sending text messages to guests in Guest Engagement.