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Channel Manager - Manage update period
Channel Manager - Manage update period
Updated over a week ago

How to view the current update period

The length of the calendar within the Channel Manager is 750 days.
This means that the Inventory tab allows you to update and view rates, availability and restrictions for up to 750 days.

Please note : If your Inventory is send to the Channel Manager from your PMS, then you should not directly update your inventory from the Channel Manager and you should instead wait for the updates to be sent by the PMS. The PMS might not be able to update all 750 days. You will need to ask your PMS provider how many days in advance the PMS can update.

Update Period for channels
While the Channel Manager Inventory can be updated for 750 days in advance, it differs for each channel how many days in advance they can receive inventory.
The current amount of days that the Channel Manager is updating in advance for each channel is also called the update period.

Each channel has a set maximum update period. This indicates the maximum amount of days that it is possible to send to the particular channel if unrestricted.

Each channel's maximum update period is displayed under the CHANNELS tab and in the inventory grid.

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Please note: Your current update period for each channel might be different from that channel's maximum update period. The current amount of days being updated can be viewed by clicking on any channel rate for that channel.

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How to set up the property update period

By default, the property update period for a new Channel Manager is set to 400 days.

If you wish to change the number of days of your property update period , go to " Hotel Settings > Update Period " and select a new value from the drop-down menu.

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Amount of days that will be sent for each channel

Each channel will be updated by the amount of days equal to the lowest number of either the property update period or the channel's maximum update period.

For example, if you set up your property update period to 400 days and your channels’ maximum update periods are:

  • - 572 days

  • Channel A - 220 days


  • will sync for only 400 days because the property update period (400) is lower than 's maximum update period (572).

  • Channel A will sync for 220 days because Channel A' maximum update period (220) is lower than the property update period (400).

To sync for 572 days, you would need to change your property update period to 573 days or higher.

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