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Cancel a reservation

How to cancel a reservation in your Front Desk.

Updated over 8 months ago

Before you cancel a reservation

  • Only Confirmed reservations can be cancelled. Checked-in/Checked-out reservations need a status change before you can cancel.

  • Avoid cancelling reservations made through channels.

  • A cancellation is permanent. There’s no way to undo them after they’re processed. However, you can still find all the details of the cancelled reservation in Reservations.

  • Before cancelling a reservation, check your cancellation policies to calculate any penalties (if applicable).

How to cancel a reservation

  1. Find your reservation on the Calendar or Reservations

  2. Open the reservation

  3. Click Cancel Booking on the Details tab

  4. Confirm cancellation by clicking Yes, Im sure

What happens after I cancel a reservation?

Once cancelled, the reservation disappears from your Calendar, opening up the room for new bookings. You can still access the details of the cancelled reservation in Reservations.

Cancelling reservations made through channels

For reservations made through your connected booking channels, here’s how cancellations and modifications work:

  • You only need to manually cancel reservations made through your booking engine or those created in your Calendar.

  • For reservations made on a booking channel, the guest must cancel directly on the website they made the booking on. No need to cancel the booking in Little Hotelier yourself.

  • The booking channel will automatically update your inventory in Little Hotelier.

  • Any guest modifications will also be updated automatically. The guest will change reservation details through the channel they booked with and this will be reflected in Little Hotelier accordingly.


  • Ensure your channel connections are active. If connections are disabled, any cancellations or modifications may not come through to Little Hotelier.

  • If a booking channel doesn’t send automatic updates for cancellations or modifications, you’ll receive an email notification with details. You’ll then need to manually update the reservation in Little Hotelier (cancel or modify).

Can I delete a reservation?

Reservations cannot be deleted, only cancelled. This is for record-keeping purposes.

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