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Create, edit, or cancel a reservation through your Little Hotelier mobile app
Create, edit, or cancel a reservation through your Little Hotelier mobile app
Updated over a week ago

​Create a reservation through the Little Hotelier mobile app

  1. In the Little Hotelier app, add a reservation using one of the following methods:

    • In Reservations — tap on the Add button.

    • In Calendar — tap on the Add button, and in the panel, select Reservation.

    • Alternatively in Calendar — tap and hold on an empty room, then in the Create reservation panel, modify the length of stay, click on Proceed to rates, and skip to step 4 in these instructions.

  2. If you are following the first two methods, next, select the check-in and check-out dates of the reservation.

  3. In the room selection panel, select one of the following two options:

    • Available — select an available (unbooked) room type. This is the recommended option.

    • All — select any room type in your inventory, including ones that are unavailable (fully booked). This is a useful option if you want an overview of availability across your whole property, but be careful: if you have chosen an unavailable room, the system will trigger a warning, and if you ignore this and proceed to book, you may create an overbooking.

  4. Tap on the Rate drop-down menu, and in the rate selection panel, select one of the following options:

    • Existing rates section — select one of the room type’s existing rates.

    • Custom— enter a custom total that will override any of the room type’s rates for this reservation. (Note: this rate is for the total reservation amount, not the nightly rate, and will vary according to the nights, occupants, discounts, and extra items that are added.)

  5. If applicable, enter a Discount.

  6. In the Room drop-down menu, allocate a room to the guest. (You can, however, select Unallocated, but the room type’s availability will decrease when the reservation is created, the guest will not be assigned a room, and it could lead to overbookings, plus you will still need to assign a room to the reservation before the guest arrives.)

  7. In the Occupants section, use the minus and plus buttons to specify the number of Adults, Children, and/or Infants included in the reservation. (Note: the maximum number is determined by Occupancies settings.

  8. Tap on Next.

  9. Check that all of the details are correct and, if necessary, select any of the following options:

    • Edit dates — modify the selected check-in and check-out dates.

    • Edit — change other details.

    • Remove — remove the selected room type and occupants from the reservation. (If you remove the only room added, tap on the Add room to reservation button and repeat steps 3 to 9 in this section.)

  10. If two or more rooms are booked with this reservation, tap on Add another room and repeat steps 3 to 9 in this section.

  11. If applicable, tap on Add an extra, and in the panel, select any of the following options, as required:

    • Existing— select an existing extra. (Note: extras can only be set up via the desktop version of Little Hotelier.)

    • Other— customise an extra by adding the Extra name, price, and/or Quantity, then tap on the Add button.

  12. To add more than one extra, tap on Add another extra and repeat the necessary steps.

  13. To delete an extra, tap on Remove extra.

  14. Fill in the Guest details: given name(s), family name(s), phone number, guest comment (if applicable), and contact e-mail address.

  15. If you want to send the customer the confirmation e-mail, enable the Send confirmation e-mail toggle; otherwise, leave it disabled.

  16. Tap on Add address details and enter the guest’s address.

  17. If applicable, Add an internal note — for example, “Returning customer: provide box of chocolates with 'Welcome back' card". (Note: these internal notes are not visible to guests.)

  18. Tap on Add credit card and enter the necessary details.

  19. To confirm the reservation, tap on Create reservation.

  20. Once created, you can open the reservation from the Calendar or Reservations pages to view, edit, or cancel it, or change its status.

Edit a reservation through the Little Hotelier mobile app

  1. In the Little Hotelier app, find a reservation via Calendar or Reservations and tap on it.

  2. Tap on the pencil icon to open the Edit reservation page.

  3. Make the necessary changes, as explained from step 9 onwards in the section above titled Create a reservation through the Little Hotelier app.

  4. Tap on Save.

💡 To quickly change the date of a reservation without opening the editing page, open the Calendar, drag-and-drop a reservation to a different date, and select if you want to send the guest a confirmation e-mail informing them of changes to their reservation.

Cancel a reservation or change its status through the Little Hotelier mobile app

  1. In the Little Hotelier app, find a reservation through Calendar or Reservations and tap on it.

  2. When viewing a reservation, select any of the following statuses in the drop-down menu, as required: Confirmed, Checked-in, Checked-out, or Cancel reservation.

💡 Cancelling a reservation cannot be undone.

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