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Overview of Room Types
Updated over 9 months ago

Important to know:

  • To create, edit or delete a Room Type, go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Rooms & Rates

  • Hostels and dorms that sell individual beds should set up each bed as a Room Type. This allows you to sell beds individually on your booking engine.


A Room Type represents an accommodation option available to your guests, which has unique occupancy, bed configuration, features, descriptions, extras and photos.

The Room Type controls availability across all its associated Room Rates in the Inventory grid.


Adding a Room Type in Front Desk doesn't automatically sync it to your connected channels. Manual setup is required on each channel account.

To create a Room Type:

  1. Go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Rooms & Rates > Create Room Type

  2. Fill in the mandatory fields in the General section

  3. Edit your Room Type details by adding a description, bed type configuration, room size, bathroom quantity, room view, features, photos and extras

  4. Click Create to save changes.

Note: a standard Room Rate is automatically assigned


Here are some reasons why you might need to edit a Room Type:

  • Change the name or its category.

  • Edit the availability thresholds, default minimum or maximum stay settings.

  • Modify rate or occupancy settings.

  • edit General Room Type information.

To edit a Room Type:

  1. Go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Rooms & Rates > select the Room Type > Edit

  2. Update the fields or sections in each tab

  3. Save changes.

Add rooms

Think of Room Types as categories, and rooms as the actual spaces. If you have 6 double rooms, add 6 rooms to the Double Room type. This creates availability in your Calendar to add reservations.

To add rooms:

Go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Rooms & Rates > select the Room Type > Edit > click on the Rooms tab > select the number of rooms > rename your rooms eg; Blue room or Room 4 > click Save

To manage rooms:

  • Drag and drop to reorder rooms on the Calendar

  • To delete a room, hover over it and click the red bin on the right

  • Deleting a room with reservations will unassign them. Reallocate or adjust those reservations before removing the room.


Deleting a Room Type is permanent!

Here's what happens when you delete a Room Type:

  • It's gone for good, along with all its Room Rates

  • Connections to channels are automatically unmapped​

Before you hit delete, consider these important points:


  • Deleting a Room Type in Front Desk won't delete it on connected channels

  • Tip: Delete Room Rates from channels first, then Front Desk

  • If a guest books a deleted rate on a channel, you'll need to create the reservation manually


  • You can't delete Room Types with active reservations

  • Apply room closures and stop sells until the last reservation checks out

  • Don't move reservations just to delete a room! You'll risk overbooking and missing modifications or cancellations.

To delete a Room Type

Go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Rooms & Rates > select the Room Type > Edit > on the General tab, scroll down and click Delete > Confirm the deletion

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