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Customise Direct Booking settings
Updated over 10 months ago

Important to know:

  • Go to My apps > Direct Booking > Setup > Booking Engine Settings

Room Types

Select the order in which your room types appear on the guest facing booking engine.

  1. Go to Setup > Booking Engine Settings > Room Types

  2. Select from:
    Show cheapest rooms first: shows by default
    Customise room order: drag and drop to reorder rooms

Room Rates

Make finding the perfect room rate easy for guests by group and sorting your room rates.

  1. Go to Setup > Booking Engine Settings > Room Rates

  2. Click Create and name your group

  3. Drag and drop to reorder group room rates


To customise these settings:

  1. Go to Setup > Booking Engine Settings > Customisation

  2. Edit settings

  3. Click Save

Availability Display

  • Hide unavailable rooms
    Help guests find their perfect stay quickly and easily by hiding unavailable rooms. When a room type is unavailable, the room type calendar provides a convenient way for guests to find alternate dates.

  • Unavailable room word
    The word used in the booking grid to represent no availability. Choose from Sold out or Enquire.

  • Alert guests when inventory is _ rooms or less
    Set an inventory alert at _ rooms remaining to let guests know availability is limited

  • Alert guests when release period is _ days or more
    Set a release period (_ days or more) to trigger an Early Bird Special alert on eligible rates

  • Hide public rates when a Promo Code is applied
    Show only applicable rates when a promo code is used

Enquiry Settings

Guests can send enquiries directly through your booking engine.

  • Enquiry text
    Additional text that will be displayed above the enquiry form

  • Enquiry Only
    Checking this option disables online bookings. Guests will need to send an email to make a reservation.


Customise your booking engine's look and feel! Use a colour code picker to find a colour that aligns with your branding. The Primary Colour will be used to colour buttons and other important page elements.

Direct Booking URL

Your guest facing URL, don’t forget to link this to your website.

Check-out/Guest details

Guests only need to provide their name and email to start, but additional info like phone number and address can be required when confirming a booking. ​

  • Require guest phone number
    Check if you want guests to provide their phone number

  • Require guest address
    Check if you want guests to provide their address

  • Collect referral information?
    Check this option to collect referral information and learn how guests found your property.

  • Include an optional custom field
    Create a custom field on the booking engine to capture additional guest information.

Configure occupancy selection on booking engine

Once configured, maximum room occupancy values will be displayed when a guest searches for a stay.

  • Maximum Adults/Children/Infants
    Select the maximum number of adults, children and infants that you allow in each room. The value in each drop-down is set to 10 by default.

  • Maximum room occupancy includes adults, children & infants
    By default, infants aren't included in room occupancy. Check the box to include them.



Entice guests with a visually appealing banner showcasing your property's charm that will be displayed at the top of your booking engine.

Specs: JPG, GIF, or PNG. Desktop - 600x2560 pixels. Max 3 Mb.

  1. Go to Setup > Booking Engine Settings > Images

  2. Click Choose File under Desktop banner image and select your image

  3. Click Upload

Property Images

Add inviting photos of common areas like the pool, gym, hallways, and stunning views, not just bedrooms.

Specs: JPG, GIF, or PNG. 800x600 pixels. Max 3 Mb.

  1. Go to Setup > Booking Engine Settings > Images

  2. Click Choose File under Property Images and select your images

  3. Click Upload

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