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Add existing reservations to Little Hotelier
Add existing reservations to Little Hotelier

Upload reservations into Little Hotelier by using Import Reservations, a useful tool for migrating reservations from another platform.

Updated over 5 months ago

Why do I need to upload future reservations to Little Hotelier?

The Little Hotelier Calendar is the central place for managing reservations from all booking sources. It’s important that your inventory and availability is correct, so you will need to add your future reservations to Little Hotelier before connecting any online booking channels (i.e., to prevent overbookings.

You can add future reservations by manually inputting each reservation individually or import a CSV file with multiple reservations using the Import Reservations tool.

Option 1: manually input each reservation

  1. Add new reservation

    1. Front Desk > Calendar > click +Reservation

    2. Front Desk > Calendar > click and drag across the reservation dates

    3. Front Desk > Reservations > click +Create Reservation

    4. Front Desk > Setup > Import Reservations > Continue > enter reservation details > click Upload (number) reservation

  2. Enter new reservation details

  3. Click Save

Option 2: import reservations using a CSV file

Note: Before adding reservations using the Import Reservations tool, make sure you have set up your room types and room rates in the Front Desk.

How to import reservations:

  1. Go to Front Desk > Setup > Import Reservations

  2. Click Download reservation template to download the CSV file

  3. Click Continue

  4. Click Edit table settings to configure:

    1. Date input settings (date format for reservations)

    2. Select optional details

  5. Click Confirm to save table settings

  6. Open the CSV file and add all future reservation details including phone, walk-in and online booking channels. Each row represents one reservation. Some fields are mandatory and others optional, make sure to enter details correctly and include bookings from all sources.

  7. Click Import CSV, choose and upload your file

  8. Click Import

  9. Reservations from the CSV file will be imported into the Import Reservations table

  10. Review the reservations in the table to ensure all mandatory details are complete. You should see a green tick next to each reservation/row.

  11. To add all reservations to the Front Desk, click Upload (number) reservations

  12. Click Add reservations. If reservations are imported successfully, a green banner will be displayed.

Recommended optional fields

The following fields are optional, however we recommend entering details:

  • Room number: specify a room number to ensure the reservation is assigned to the correct room. if left blank, the reservation will be assigned to any available room in the selected room type.

  • Currency: if you accept multiple currencies, indicate which currency. If left blank, the default currency will be used.

  • Reservation ID: if left blank, a reservation will be assigned a new ID starting with ‘LH’. For reservations that come through an online booking channel, the Reservation ID needs to match the channel’s reservation ID otherwise any cancellations or modifications to the reservation will not sync.

Avoid using the same Reservation ID for multiple reservations (unless you are adding a reservation with multiple rooms), as this can lead to uploading multiple rows as a single reservation and overwriting some important data.

Adding single reservations with multiple rooms (group bookings)

To upload a reservation for multiple rooms, enter a separate row of data for each room in the booking and use the same Reservation ID for each of the rows. This will combine the rows into a single reservation with multiple rooms when added.

Ensure the Guest Name, Check-in date, Check-out date and Booked-on date are the same across all rows for the same reservation. Any inconsistencies in these fields will be overwritten when they are added, resulting in errors.

Frequently asked questions

How do I add additional guests details to a reservation?

Only the primary guest’s details are required when booking. To add information for additional guests, details can be added after booking.

Can I add past reservations?

Past reservations cannot be added, only future bookings.

I have added reservations to the table, but there are still errors?

Errors can occur in columns where you have drop-down options (Source of Reservation, Room Type, Room Rate, Room Number, and Currency). Make sure the data you have added matches the options available in the drop-down list.

Will the information I added be saved if I log out?

Reservation data is automatically saved as you go.

Can I enter prices with decimals?

To enter prices with decimals, you will need to make sure that your settings allow decimals. Go to Setup > Property & Room Settings > Property Details > General > Allow Decimals.

How can I check if my reservations have been added successfully?

Once you click Upload (number) reservations, if reservations are imported successfully, a green banner will be displayed. If any reservations fail, errors will be highlighted ready for you to correct and upload again.

Can I use special characters when adding guest names?

Yes, you can use special characters in both first and last names.

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